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Gifts – TRU-B-LOONS https://tru-b-loons.net Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:49:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Adopt A Grandparent – Send a Hug https://tru-b-loons.net/product/adopt-a-grandparent-send-a-hug/ Tue, 12 Jan 2021 03:55:39 +0000 https://tru-b-loons.net/?post_type=product&p=15949 Tru-B-Loons is participating in the national #AdoptAGrandparent campaign in which balloon artists from across the nation will spread love to our elders in assisted living communities.

2020 was challenging for everyone but especially so for our elders who could not visit with their loved ones. Some haven’t seen family members and friends in months and may be a bit sad and lonely. We want to remind them that they are missed and loved by sending them a hug from one of our Balloon Buddies. How can you help?

You can #adoptagrandparent by purchasing a Balloon Buddy!

Our goal is to  deliver balloon buddies to every resident in a local assisted living community. We don’t want anyone left out, so we will deliver the balloon buddies to the facility in bulk for the staff to distribute once every resident has been gifted a Balloon Buddy. Individual and corporate sponsors are all encouraged to participate. Contact us if you are a facility that would like to be serviced.

Help us spread joy and hugs in our community. #Adoptagrandparent today and share this message with everyone you know so they, too, can participate.


Tru-B-Loons is participating in the national #AdoptAGrandparent campaign in which balloon artists from across the nation will spread love to our elders in assisted living communities.

2020 was challenging for everyone but especially so for our elders who could not visit with their loved ones. Some haven’t seen family members and friends in months and may be a bit sad and lonely. We want to remind them that they are missed and loved by sending them a hug from one of our Balloon Buddies. How can you help?

You can #adoptagrandparent by purchasing a Balloon Buddy!

Our goal is to  deliver balloon buddies to every resident in a local assisted living community. We don’t want anyone left out, so we will deliver the balloon buddies to the facility in bulk for the staff to distribute once every resident has been gifted a Balloon Buddy. Individual and corporate sponsors are all encouraged to participate. Contact us if you are a facility that would like to be serviced.

Help us spread joy and hugs in our community. #Adoptagrandparent today and share this message with everyone you know so they, too, can participate.


Big Lovable Bear https://tru-b-loons.net/product/big-lovable-bear/ Wed, 03 Feb 2021 04:33:37 +0000 https://tru-b-loons.net/?post_type=product&p=16037 This cute BIG bear sits about 3 feet tall.

This bear makes a great gift or decor for any occasion.

Choose one color for the main body and another color for the belly and accents.

This cute BIG bear sits about 3 feet tall.

This bear makes a great gift or decor for any occasion.

Choose one color for the main body and another color for the belly and accents.
